Ambitious graduates looking to accelerate their management careers can now apply to complete the Postgraduate Diploma in Business Administration (PDBA) fully online. This allows you to balance work and study but still allows you to benefit from the same level of content and support as the contact programme.
The PDBA is aimed at giving you, the student, a broad understanding of the world of business, providing you with information that you can leverage for rapid career and personal growth. Whether you are in a specialist field or are interested in pursuing a change in career, the PDBA will enable you to enhance your business management and leadership skills.
If you enrol on a part-time online study basis, the PDBA is a 22-month programme. If you wish to enrol for a full-time online study, completing two modules at a time, this programme can be completed sooner.
, download_brochure=4ab99da5-fcfd-4ad8-9e59-9af210dba8db, total_offering_credit=120, tostartby=1746403200000, hs_object_source_label=CRM_UI, course_type=postgraduate, maintitle=Postgraduate Diploma in Business Administration, hs_object_source_id=userId:43902089, hs_created_by_user_id=43902089, hs_createdate=1716883740821, active_course=active, admission_req__title2=, admission_req__title1=Admission requirements, id=5341873144, credit=120, apply_by=, admission_req__description2=, admission_req__description1=Students who have completed the Fundamentals of Business Administration (FBA) suite of courses are eligible to apply for entrance into the Postgraduate Diploma in Business Administration (PDBA) programme and may receive credits, if all other criteria are met. Interested students will have to complete a new application for the PDBA as a completed FBA suite of courses does NOT guarantee entrance into the PDBA programme.
, total_fees=R122,060*, priority=1, featured_image=, hs_all_assigned_business_unit_ids=[16608303], module_and_credit_subtext=* Module pricing is subject to change in January of each year.
, hs_lastmodifieddate=1739272516123, fee_per_credit=111477, main_subtext=FULLY ONLINE, hs_object_id=5341873144, download_pricing=cf26da83-8a14-4a1f-b2d1-cd2f145c9e48, hs_object_source=CRM_UI, hs_object_source_user_id=43902089, applyby=1743379200000, header_bg_image=, total_modules=11, dynamic_page_slug=PDBA-Postgraduate-Diploma-in-Business-Administration, hs_updated_by_user_id=48203977}
Ambitious graduates looking to accelerate their management careers can now apply to complete the Postgraduate Diploma in Business Administration (PDBA) fully online. This allows you to balance work and study but still allows you to benefit from the same level of content and support as the contact programme.
The PDBA is aimed at giving you, the student, a broad understanding of the world of business, providing you with information that you can leverage for rapid career and personal growth. Whether you are in a specialist field or are interested in pursuing a change in career, the PDBA will enable you to enhance your business management and leadership skills.
If you enrol on a part-time online study basis, the PDBA is a 22-month programme. If you wish to enrol for a full-time online study, completing two modules at a time, this programme can be completed sooner.
Students who have completed the Fundamentals of Business Administration (FBA) suite of courses are eligible to apply for entrance into the Postgraduate Diploma in Business Administration (PDBA) programme and may receive credits, if all other criteria are met. Interested students will have to complete a new application for the PDBA as a completed FBA suite of courses does NOT guarantee entrance into the PDBA programme.
* Module pricing is subject to change in January of each year.
Total Fees: R22,285
Credits : 15
Total Fees: R8,600
Credits : 10
Total Fees: R4,325
Credits : 5
Total Fees: R22,300
Credits : 15
Total Fees: R8,600
Credits : 10
Total Fees: R5,180
Credits : 6
Total Fees: R7,755
Credits : 9
Total Fees: R8,600
Credits : 10
Total Fees: R8,605
Credits : 10
Total Fees: R12,905
Credits : 15
Total Fees: R12,905
Credits : 15
An academic year runs from January to December and fees are subject to annual increases each January. It is recommended that sponsored candidates obtain two quotations for each year of enrolment due to the annual increments and inform their employers or sponsors thereof. Self-funded students are required to pay their course fees upfront per intake.
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